terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2012

Gravekeeper's Deck

Criador:Luis Antonio

Monsters: (15)
2x Effect Veiler
1x Gk Assailant
3x GK Commandant
2x GK Descendant
3x GK Recruiter
3x GK spy
1x Malefic Stardust Dragon

Spells: 13
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
1x Forbidden Lance
2x GK Stele
3x Necrovalley
3x Pot of Duality
2x Royal Tribute

Traps: 12
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
2x Starlight Road
2x Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck: 15
3x Stardust Dragon
1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
1x Mist Wurm
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Gem-Knight Pearl
1x Lavalal Chain
1x Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1x Number 39: Utopia
1x Number C39: Utopia Ray
1x Number 50: Black Corn
1x Photon Papilloperative
2x Steelswarm Roach

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